Crystal Tones® Singing Bowls
These professional instruments are of the highest quality and unique works of art. Through a patented fusion technology, the bowls are infused with minerals and/or gemstones to give each bowl special qualities that you can tailor to your personal healing aspirations. The names of the bowls indicate the alchemies they contain, e.g. Ruby Palladium- which contains Ruby and Palladium Alchemies. Each has a description of their alchemies and their properties on the product page.
For best results use headphones or good speakers when listening to the audio in the demonstration videos.
Singing Bowls
Singing Bowls
Singing Bowls
Singing Bowls
Singing Bowls
Singing Bowls
Singing Bowls
Singing Bowls
Singing Bowls
Singing Bowls
Singing Bowls